whatsoever. 2. I was a serious musician who learned guitar as a discipline, studied and dissected music theory--and drilled,
and drilled, and drilled. I also realized, without any irony, that I was possessed of far above average ability on my instrument.
3. I thought, “What the hell, I've been at it this for this long--I need to take it the rest of the way, wherever that is.”
If I could impart any advice to musicians that truly feel the calling and believe this is what they were put on Earth to do, it would
be: 1. Avoid drugs and alcohol. They will only diminish your gifts, impair your judgment when it comes to business and hold
you back. 2. Join BMI, The Musician's Union, and copyright your original work. Con-Artists will not want to bother with you,
and target an easier mark. 3. Stay single. This business destroys your relationships, engenders jealousy of all kinds, and if you
have children and a spouse, their interests must, from an ethical, moral and decency perspective, come first. 3. Find your
niche market that your music appeals to and gig and record relentlessly. Mass media acceptance is not necessary to sustain
your career. You must find a loyal core following who are willing to part with their cab driving, plumbing, waitressing and
nursing money to support your musical endeavors. 4. Outwork all of your competition. Spend 85% of your time actively selling
your act. If you are not, your competition is, so you better want this more than anything in life. This is a ruthless, heartless,
cold-blooded racket full of backstabbers, liars, thieves, users and bull-shitters. I hope your passion for your art lifts you above
all of that and sustains you.
Aside from being Co-Owner and General Manager of RIPPER’S ROCKHOUSE--which in this music journalist's opinion, has the
best sound system AND the best wings ever encountered—MICAH POSTEN is also lead vocalist of FRACTURE--described as
"on the heavier end of music" by the front man himself. The band, so named by an incident where Posten broke both legs at
a gig, has existed in many forms since 2007. Citing METALLICA, ROB ZOMBIE and PANTERA as influences growing up, this
very busy restaurateur still plays out with Fracture a couple shows per month. Ripper's RockHouse is located at 2727
Manchester Rd., Akron, Ohio.
"I've never enjoyed life more than I have right now!"
declares true road warrior and Rock music icon SNAKE
ROCK. This Cleveland, Ohio, native who attended Lakewood
High School, is still very active and vital on the scene after
45 years. "I started off playing in little bars around
Cleveland, I also played the Akron Civic and Cleveland
Agora at least 1,000 times." After experiencing success in
Florida as a musician, Snake Rock moved to Los Angeles in
the early 80s, winning awards from PLAYBOY MAGAZINE
and KNAC FM's #1 Unsigned Band in L.A.--beating out
15,000 bands and gaining his then outfit endorsements
He rises at around 6:00 a.m. every day. States the fine
guitarist, ”I work with the best musicians--two of which are
WARRANT’S BILLY MORRIS and FRANK --the best singer I’ve
ever heard!" When asked where he sees his career in 10
years, Snake Rock was thoughtful and enthusiastic,
responding immediately--"I enjoy mentoring, inspiring and
making others’ dreams come true, just as much as making
my own come true. I'd like to continue to develop new talent
and give them all that I have available to me."
As a music educator and mentor to young, talented people, Snake Rock has found a conduit to the great things artists work
toward in life--and an enduring legacy!