ION INDIE MAGAZINE is founded by CEO and Editor-in-Chief Kiki Plesha (aka The Fairy Rock
Mother) and is considered her ‘love-letter’ to Independent music. The staff of ION INDIE MAGAZINE
is comprised of dedicated volunteers from the music industry, the business sector and journalism
fields. Their combined objective is to get Independent music read about and heard. To this end, ION
INDIE MAGAZINE partners with broadcast affiliates and others worldwide, and lends the ION name
to support various projects/events on a global level.
ION INDIE MAGAZINE is: Kiki Plesha, J.B. Bridges, Jay Petsko, Jere Perry (JP RAWK), Thomas R.
Jenney Ph.D., Scott Alexander Johnson (Scotty J), Ken Jones, Dr X, Dean Michael and Shawn
ION Indie Magazine is a global initiative of journalists, photojournalists and industry professionals
that donate their time and talent to promote independent music of all genres. Our publication
partners with broadcasters and others to raise awareness for the independent movement—both
through the written word and broadcast. Collaboratively, we work to provide a forum to spotlight
and support local music…worldwide. We get independent music read about, seen and heard!