are one of, if not THE originators of Biker music. Often his
posters include the phrase "Motorcycles Welcome, Bikers
J.B. started playing when he and some co-workers got
together and started a band. His then boss made the
comment "You have to have three shots of cheap whiskey
to stay in the room with you guys." giving birth to the name
The Cheap Whiskey Band.
J.B. is the kind of guy that will play with the likes of DAVID
ALLAN COE (and he does share the stage often with him)
and then stop at the neighborhood bar in his hometown of
Mableton, Georgia…and jump in to lend a hand with the
house band (and he does that often too). He is also the
kind of guy that is friendly and appreciates his fans--as experienced by the many handshakes and backslaps
that accompany him wherever he plays.
Bikers sometime get cast in a not-so-good light; crude and rough and tumble. Quite an inaccurate
stereotype with JB. He is educated, articulate, the owner of several successful biker magazines (that he
started and later sold), a former corporate manager and a supporter of many charities. He is also a personal
friend of over 40 years.
Lots of bands travel, playing venues in their local cities,
states or across the country. Not many, however have the
opportunity to travel to different countries. JB Walker and the
Cheap Whisky Band have travelled to over 72 countries-most of those countries, while donating their time to
supporting our troops doing USO shows. And most of those
shows are at forward bases with names like EAGLE BASE in
Bosnia, or THE USS DENVER off the coast of Somalia--far
from the safety and security those troops protect. JB and his
bandmates have been staunch supporters of our military
brothers and sisters for over 25 years. If you ask JB why he
feels a need to be so involved with our troops, he simply says,
"It's the right thing to do." As a veteran, I especially
appreciate that.
When J.B. is stateside, his desire to help his community
doesn't end there. He and his bandmates are big supporters
of THE MARCH OF DIMES and they raise thousands of dollars
to help, usually on his Harley “Sweet Marie”, on a “Ride for
Babies” event. It isn't unusual to see him supporting a fund-raiser to support a biker brother or their family
in a crisis either.