Front Row Seat to Failure
Story and Photography by Mark Myers •
What started as an epic idea from some amazing people featuring a great concert series during a weeklong
motorcycle party, ended in a fiasco of epic proportions. While most felt the event, slated for 8+ days of
concerts, was way too long. This event was to be coupled with LACONIA MOTORCYCLE WEEK, the annual
rally that brings 100,000+ motorcycle enthusiasts to the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. Nestled in the
old Weirs Beach Drive-In Theater, LaconiaFest had all the makings of a massively successful event.
Let’s just start by saying the “bad guys” in this story are alleged bad buys--either guilty until proven innocent
by the people hiding behind computer screens with lots of keyboard courage, or innocent until proven guilty
by a court of law. And judging by the amount of pissed off patrons, unpaid vendors and workers left in its
wake, this story will eventually be rehashed, scrutinized and heard in a court of law at some level.
The plot of this story changes depending on whom you talk to. It seems that all of the “experts” are coming
out of the woodwork now. Those speaking the loudest are usually those that know the least. Some are the
typical keyboard coward with loads of behind-the-screen courage, writing in his momma’s basement. I’ve
read some reviews by those “journalists” and “experts”, written by those that weren’t even at the event.
Probably the same people that never step foot in a restaurant, yet feel the need to review it on Yelp! The few
diehards, the believers and the few staff that truly wanted this festival to succeed are speaking the least.
Most of them are either still scratching their heads wondering where it all went wrong. Most of them are still
broke, having received little or no pay for their week of labor. And most still find it in their hearts to call this
a labor of love--deeply wanting this festival to return--and return in a big way.
LaconiaFest started behind the eight ball from the time the gates opened and the first thirsty, ready to rock
music fans passed through the turnstiles. Inaugural festivals will have their share of hiccups no matter what.
No matter how well it’s planned, the first year kinks always need to be ironed out. The reasons and excuses
for the LaconiaFest failure abounded. There was plenty of blame to go around and the finger pointing started
before the first chord was struck.