ION INDIE MAGAZINE July 2015, Volume 14 | Page 31

To quote the fictional character Chris Cole, from the movie “Rock Star”, “You know, I'm just a regular guy who grew up with the posters of these guys on my wall...and now I'm one of them! That's right, I'm standing here, living proof that if you work hard enough, and you want it bad enough...dreams do come true. So follow your dreams...” No I’m not a Rock Star, but getting to speak with them, write about them, and hang out with them to extent I’m able to call them friends is close enough for me. After a wonderful conversation with TOM KEIFER, front man of CINDERELLA and now promoting solo album “The Way Life Goes”, I came away with the refreshing reminder that courtesy, humility, and plain generosity still exist in those individuals--no matter the level of success they’ve attained. Is that to say that all celebrities exhibit a certain level of snobbery, self-righteousness, and ego? Of course not. But stereo typically speaking, those are character traits that seem to be exemplified. Tom Keifer is exactly what the kind of musician, artist, and professional that any aspiring Rock Star should be proud to model their career after. Continue reading, to understand how I came to this conclusion. Scotty J: Tom I just want to thank you for your time. I know you have a lot going on. First, congratulations with "The Way Life Goes". Tom Keifer: Thank you, man--thank you very much. Scotty J: I'm speaking to you from Kennett Square, PA, and I know that's not real far from your origins in Springfield, PA. So where do you call home these days? Tom Keifer: Nashville, TN. Scotty J: So how long have you been down there now? Tom Keifer: I moved in in 1997. So, I guess about 18 years now. Scotty J: Do you still have any family in the Springfield area? Tom Keifer: Not directly in Springfield. They’re kinda spread out. My Dad lives a little further west now. Two of my sisters now live on the West coast, so they're nowhere near there. My oldest sister still lives in Pennsylvania, but not near Springfield. Scotty J: Now you're going to be up in Jim Thorpe here soon? Tom Keifer: Yes, June 17. Scotty J: So, "The Way Life Goes", that has been a project in the making for a long time. How's that experience been so far versus your time with Cinderella? Tom Keifer: It's been amazing. I didn't know what to expect. The record started off as not even really being a record. We were just recording some music on our own. I wrote a lot of it with my wife and some friends here in Nashville. We started self-producing it. There was no label involved. And it took the better part of 9 to 10 years to make the record, and it just evolved in to a record. When it started to feel like a record, we decided to start shopping it to a label--and we found a label. And the next thing, the record is being released…put together a band, and then--go on the road…baby steps, one at a time. We've been on the road now a couple years touring behind it, and the experience has just been amazing. I've got this incredible new band. They're not only amazing musicians, but just really really great people--which is also important when you're riding on a bus. We've become a family and I'm just having a blast out there. Scotty J: Now that's gotta make life out on the road a lot easier when you have those kinds of relationships. Tom Keifer: Yeah, Yeah. They're great. And you know, Savannah is touring with me because she co-wrote and co-produced the record. She sings some stuff with me live and also does background. We also have another girl, KENDRA CHANTELLE. Savannah and Kendra sing background on songs like "Shelter Me" and "Nobody's Fool"--all those big kind of Gospel-sounding stuff. It's a seven piece band. Scotty J: Now are you working with an artists on this that you've worked with in the past? Like say, going back to your days with Cinderella?