JP: I’ve always felt music to be a uniting force. It transcends all barriers, race, age, gender, ethnicity,
cultures, countries, and continents? What do you feel is the true power of YOUR music?
JC: I’ve often said that the reason people like ACOA is because the lyrics are about everyday life. People
can relate to it, no matter what is going on in their lives. Some have said that we are too literal in some
ways, but the normal guy just wants to connect with the music on some level, and we are lucky enough
to be told frequently that people just “get” what we are saying.
JP: While I’m familiar with your music, our readers by and large are not. I know that you have some great
songs out like “Treason”, “107” and “Who We Are”…which is one of my personal favorites. I want our
readers to be able to find your music. Can you tell us where we can find and buy your music?
JC: We are on all the usual suspects.
JP: Is there a venue that you just love to play or
holds a special place in your heart?
JC: Universally, we all now say Rocklahoma! Or at
least some other large event like this. We are so
thankful to AXIS ENTERTAINMENT for taking a
chance on us this year. Hopefully it will translate to
bigger things, but we hope to have a long, happy
relationship with Sunshine and her crew.
JP: If you had your choice of any record label that
you could sign with what label would it be? Why?
JC: Wow, we’ve talked about this a lot. Honestly, any one that believes in us as much as we do and is