ION INDIE MAGAZINE January 2016, Volume 20 | Page 7
Every once in a while, you connect immediately from the word “hello” with someone.
JASMINE CAIN, is an artist that if you meet her at a show, at a bar, at a coffee house, or doing
an interview is, I believe, one of those people. Honest, poignant, energetic, outgoing,
welcoming are all words that I could use to describe her as the person I interviewed. Her
music is captivating, riveting and one taste of it will only make you thirst for more. When my
good friend, BRUCE “TWISTER” LENZI, suggested I chat with her, I could not wait to
jump at the chance. I think you will agree that she is an artist that is most deserving of our
JP: You certainly are talented, and you have been rewarded for that. You have taken
home quite a few awards. Can you tell me about some of those?
JC: Absolutely. e rst award I ever won was from an organization called JUST PLAIN
FOLKS. is was way back in 2006. It was some of the greatest times I remember. We were
really on the fence on whether we wanted to give this music thing our all. at rst album
“ e Inside” was kind of our make- it-or-break-it album. If we didn’t get anywhere with this,
we might wanna reconsider what we want to do. It is such a nancial burden when you decide
to record an album--or doing a video for that ma er. Our rst awards were “Rock Album of
the Year” and “Rock Song of the Year” from Just Plain Folks. at was it. at was the answer I
needed--and I’ve been recording ever since. Since then, we have one eight JPF awards. Our
second album “Locks and Keys” won six awards total, including “Female Artist of the Year”.
Another organization here in Nashville, MUSIC CITY MAYHEM AWARDS, focuses on the
Rock and Metal and Punk scene of Nashville. For four consecutive years, I have been named
“Female Rock Vocalist of the Year” and we’ve won numerous other awards from Music City
Mayhem as well. Recently, I won an award for “Best Alternative Band” from the
NASHVILLE INDUSTRY MUSIC AWARDS. is one is a li le bit of a step up from the
others, because it is actually from the Nashville industry. is for everybody signed,
unsigned; it doesn’t ma er. If you’re lucky enough to get a nomination and win something
like that, it’s pre y impressive. at was a pre y big award for us to bring home.
JP: Jasmine Cain, what is the best thing you have going for you right now, musically?
JC: Well, we just nished our new music video for ourst song “Hole” off our new album “White
Noise”. e music video was released December 1 . We’re super pumped about that! It’s
awesome! We included performers; several different acts that travel the motorcycle circuit
with us--CIRCUS UNA PRODUCTIONS--they do a high wire motorcycle act. She is an
instructor in aerial acrobatics. She did a routine for the video, as did her partner that travels
with her on the road, SA YOUNG. Sara did some re routine stuff with us. We had STILT
CIRCUS involved. ey (STAR and RICHARD) were fantastic! It was incredible! It was
really fun, because these are people we travel on the motorcycle circuit with, but never get to
spend any time with. We never get to perform together. We’re always doing shows at different
times, at different venues. We’re all like gypsies on the road, and it was nice just to spend a few
days and hang out together and do this video together. Also, our rst single from the album
“Break Even” has been picked up by CARMIKE THEATERS.