ION INDIE MAGAZINE January 2016, Volume 20 | Page 47

virtuosos of whatever instrument that have the stage-presence and captivation-powers of dead raccoon. Great songs are great for albums, and they are great for shows and performances. But, a Rock show isn't just about that...well, it kinda is and it kinda isn't. In my book, a Rock show is about music AND entertainment. The way I see it, people can pull up a song on the 'ole MP3 player or pop in a CD or even spin some vinyl to hear some great songs at any damn time on any damn day. Chances are that this Rock show is on a Friday or Saturday night. At least some of the people in the audience are there after a long week of bullshit and shitty jobs and asshole bosses and the wear and tear of life, and just want to unwind and have some fun and hear some good music and be entertained. KrashKarma, my friends, will entertain the shit out of you. Not from some fancy laser light show or cheap theatrics or smoke and mirrors. They just have that certain something that makes you know instantly that this isn't just going to be any run-of-the mill set. I love that shit...I love being surprised like that. I love it when my assumptions are shoved back down my throat. I wasn't expecting that shit that night...that I'd be watchi ng one of my favorite bands to see live; but, I was. The arrangements of the music go from light to dark with some pretty heavy ass riffs as the backbone. I'm all about the riffs--and I'm digging these riffs! The way they put it is that it’s an “adrenaline-driven show that lies somewhere between heaven and hell.” Yeah. I'd buy that, for sure--I completely agree. The dynamics between the singing of Ralf and Niki can only really be described as crazy-good...crazyeffing-good…crazy-mother-effing-ultramega-super good. Niki is one of those singers that have about five or so voices--from a sexy-breathy whisper to cutesy playful thing--to a from-the-gut Rock voice to angelic and operatic singing; to all-out screams that make you say: DAMN! How these two interact and intertwine and play off each other’s voices is something that you just can’t teach. It’s just born in that crazy place called music--where sometimes things come together and its ends up exactly how it should be. All of this is going on while over here--Ralf is playing guitar like an assassin trying to murder you with riff-bullets--and over there, Niki could probably get you all caught up in a hypnotic gaze and somehow kill you with a drumstick--I shit you not! If you even knew me just a little you would know I wouldn't say that shit if it wasn't true...believe me, it’s true. It’s the truest effing thing you've heard all damn day!