ION INDIE MAGAZINE February 2016, Volume 21 | Page 18
in his blood. So with that said, he's doing what
he's always wanted to do--and that's play
and record Country Music.
I got to the venue rather early, as I always do, just
to get the opportunity to meet him before the
show/ I've met him three times before, and as
fate would have it, I caught him coming back to
the bus right after the "Meet and Greet". Now, it
had been 12 years since we had last met and to
my surprise, he remembered me from Florida
(how could you not?). You just couldn't ask for a
down-to-earth, nicer person than Aaron. He took
time for autographs and photographs and a
brief amount of his time for conversation. Truth
be told, he's been this way every time I have met
him, plus I got a great story that he did remember
(but that's another story)!
The Country scene really isn't my
thing. I did stand out like a
sore thumb amongst the sea of
cowboy hats and Real Tree
Camouflage, but that did not stop
me from enjoying this epic show
from one of my idols. Songs like
"Country Boy", "Rednecks North of
and "Granddaddy's Gun" had this
packed venue on its ear, but I did
wait patiently for those Staind
songs that I knew where on the set
ION’s Timothy Schumann and Aaron Lewis
list. It warmed my heart to hear
"Right Here Waiting", "It's been Awhile" and "Mudshovel", all a little slower, all with
a Country spin on them. I too, remain hopeful that Staind will reunite, but until then,
Aaron is doing what his heart compels him to do. This is why his music will live on
forever--just like everything else Aaron has done.