ION INDIE MAGAZINE August 2017, Volume 39 | Page 7
Regarding this cooperative move, Presti shares, "The entire staff at Total Order Magazine and Neue
Regel Radio are excited, to say the least in this new opportunity to continue to bring ION Indie
Magazine to the world. The ION Indie Magazine legacy will remain intact as we forward its mission to
bring Independent artists of ALL genres to the fans. Total Order is first and foremost, and will always
remain a ROCK magazine. The opportunity with ION is the expansion into new genres, which are
vast and affords the fans, viewers, and listeners an upfront and personal experience with the artists.
The writers at Total Order are looking forward to bringing their professional style of getting the story
the readers want with the same and continuing integrity that both publications have always garnered.
My deep admiration for Kiki Plesha goes without saying, as she will be an integral part of ION Indie
Magazine, going forward."
Kiki Plesha, a long-time entertainment publicist and journalist, additionally owns Rock Mother
Promotions. She founded ION Indie Magazine in 2014, utilizing her Public Relations background and
journalistic skills to develop a magazine that promised to, according to its mission statement "get
independent music read about, seen and heard." To this end, she formulated a coalition of
journalists, photojournalists, music industry insiders and various radio stations, who share her
passion for original independent music. Due to the cooperative efforts between Plesha and a myriad
of combined broadcasters, thousands of artists' music is now in regular rotation on stations around
the world. Plesha counts Presti as a confidant and colleague and welcomes this new and positive
direction for the ION Indie Magazine brand.
Plesha enthusiastically states, "Michael Presti has been a long-time supporter of ION Indie
Magazine, and I've been an admirer of the impressive brands and platforms he's built with both Neue
Regel Radio and Total Order Indie Zine. It's always been a 'mutual admiration society' between us.
Thus, it was a natural progression to co-mingle our publishing passion -- the end result being ION
Indie Magazine joining forces with Total Order Magazine. With my public relations business Rock
Mother Promotions growing and expanding, I found myself over-extended. Overseeing both
businesses' daily operations, which included editing the text and designing the majority of the layout
of the magazine plus servicing my private public relations clients' accounts, left me with a deficit of
time. Something had to give. This led to the difficult decision of either shutting the doors of ION Indie
Magazine or handing over the reins. Michael Presti offered an even better alternative – to join forces!
I am excited about this incredible opportunity and the positive implications for both the artists we
feature in our pages and the dedicated and talented journalists that contribute to our quality
publications. With this move, the ION Indie Magazine legacy will continue, and I believe, thrive.
When a door shuts, sometimes you have to jimmy open the window. I am reveling in the fresh air…
and breathing easier, thanks to my friend Michael Presti."
Total Order Indie Zine, spotlighting the best of independent rock/metal music, is currently a bi-
monthly publication, and ION Indie Magazine will follow suit -- with each magazine being produced in
a stagger rotation. The merger also presents the opportunity for the respective journalistic staffs to
share content, thus, widening the scope of both magazines.
Learn more about ION Indie Magazine at:
Visit Total Order Indie Zine and Neue Regel Radio at:
Kiki Plesha can be reached at: [email protected]
Michael Presti can be reached at: [email protected]