ION INDIE MAGAZINE August 2014, Volume 3 | Page 66
OK, that was a nice twist. I just came back
from a meeting with a local "promoter" and
a venue owner, and even before I get to sit
down he says, "Right off the bat, I don't
believe in selling tickets and ‘Pay to Play’,
OK?" SO I am a guessing that he heard about
us and understands the MISSION of the NEW
ORDER "NEUE REGEL" and what we will not
tolerate anymore!
Even though there will be tickets sold for an
upcoming HUGE EVENT, the artists will not be
responsible for selling tickets. I couldn't help
but come out of that meeting saying, “YES,
it’s WORKING!” The idea and the concept
that we have pressed for over 16 months is
taking shape. We, the NEW ORDER will NEVER accept the idea or concept of bands having
to pay to be part of a show.
I could sit here and go over ALL the sordid details of how this occurs, but you guys already
know the garbage that has been happening in the clubs and shows. Included in this issue,
YES, are artists themselves. If you want change, you have to work together. Support your
musical brothers and sisters. Don't backbite and jump on the opportunity because they
didn't. Musical karma is real and it always comes around. Now to my favorite part, that of
the so-called promoters and booking agents. NOT ALL of them mind you, but those who
THINK they are booking agents and promoters, because they use social media to check out