ION INDIE MAGAZINE August 2014, Volume 3 | Page 60
Bosi states that, “While it was the idea he was looking for, it wasn’t the exact style…it’s very different
than what I was looking for. I was looking for something Progressive, which this is Progressive, but in a
different kind of way.” I look to Carpenetti for his thoughts on the music they are now playing, and while
John is a fan of heavy styles, ALEX VAN HALEN being an early influence, he fell upon being in The Russello
Project by chance. John states that a mutual friend, who he’d been in negotiations with to join a wedding
band, asked him if he knew Charlie Russello—and that Russello had this project in mind. John, who
works in a music store and gives lessons, had heard great things about Charlie through many of the
students and other area musicians who had taken lessons from Charlie. John went on to explain how he
was also a fan of Progressive styles of Rock and Jazz.
All the talk about Progressive music makes Charlie laugh a little and interject that, “The funny thing
is…I never envisioned this as being ‘Progressive’. Because Progressive to me means something
different. Beyond RUSH and YES, even. Really working the instrument to its maximum capacity. I w