ION INDIE MAGAZINE August 2014, Volume 3 | Page 42
A question all serious artists are confronted with at some fork in the road. Having had some experience
with this myself, allow me to impart some wisdom that is based upon my own and peers of mine…
Unless there is appreciable money changing hands, you are booked solid year round, and cannot
possibly countenance the burden of managing your own career, in my opinion, DO NOT enlist the
services of others. Parasites of the worst ilk infest showbiz, rob the unsuspecting blind, destroy
credibility for the future and disillusion artists to the point of quitting altogether. I don’t think anyone
starts off life with the ambition of being a crooked agent or manager. Usually they have failed at some
other pursuit and are drawn to artists to validate themselves or work their way through “Mommy and
Daddy” issues to go back decades. I am NOT saying that there aren’t hard-working, ethical managers
and agents out there…of course there are! But, especially where indie artists are concerned, there are
some opportunists that lurk in the shadows waiting to pounce—banking on their new client’s “hunger”
and desire to “make it”.
Anyone who has been burnt to a crisp by a morally bankrupt manager can tell horror stories that would
discourage damn near anyone from willingly being a professional performer. I would advise spending
the $300 to join BMI or ASCAP. The thought of you turning their lawyers loose on them would make
you an unappealing target for con artists. If any label, agent or manager EVER asks you for money to
assist in promoting or getting your career started—run like hell and call the State Attorney General’s
office. No legitimate label asks its artists for one cent. If they are any kind of business person, they are
well-established and know how to generate revenue without any of your help. DO NOT sign any
contract without having an attorney review it first. Con artists prey on broke musicians and know all
the right ways to appeal to their vanity and promise the moon on a stick with some toilet paper contract-