ION INDIE MAGAZINE April 2017, Volume 35 | Page 7

It is often said that all of our lives experiences have brought us the point we are at today . For most of us , that story , if bottled , could probably be a cure for insomnia . For RYCHE CHLANDA , that story is quite the opposite . Ryche has lived the life of a rock star . A founding member of FIREBALLET , America ' s �rst progressive rock band , he has toured the world with RENAISSANCE , jammed with KING CRIMSON , and if you got �t with DENISE AUSTIN in the 1990 ' s , you listened to Ryche Chlanda ( he composed and performed her exercise music ).
Ryche is naturally very entertaining and he tells quite colorful story . The story of being asked to leave legendary rock band NEKTAR mid-concert , is one of my favorites . As it goes … Nektar was playing in a venue in New England . Ryche was on stage with ROYE ALBRIGHTON , when Roye , threatened by Ryche ' s virtuosity , turned his back to the audience and said , " If he doesn ' t leave , I will , and never come back !" Ryche unplugged , left the stage and never looked back . Perhaps the �rst of many “ disconnections ”.
There are some more stories that aren ' t quite as funny . One thing about being an artist , is how much of yourself you do reveal . When so much of one ’ s self is exposed , there ' s a lot more that can be hurt as a result of such vulnerability . Ryche has been fucked by friends and colleagues alike . It isn ' t anything new - all artists get fucked and Ryche has been fucked by the best … most notably PLAYBOY and LATOYA JACKSON . Due to terms of the settlement we can ' t really discuss the story in detail . But let ' s just say … both have had bouts of amnesia . One forgot and the other forgot to pay . Shoulda , coulda , woulda , Ryche was offered roles with FOREIGNER and BRYAN ADAMS . He declined . If hindsight were 20 / 20 , no one would ever miss a “ connection ”, would they ?

It is often said that all of our lives experiences have brought us the point we are at today . For most of us , that story , if bottled , could probably be a cure for insomnia . For RYCHE CHLANDA , that story is quite the opposite . Ryche has lived the life of a rock star . A founding member of FIREBALLET , America ' s �rst progressive rock band , he has toured the world with RENAISSANCE , jammed with KING CRIMSON , and if you got �t with DENISE AUSTIN in the 1990 ' s , you listened to Ryche Chlanda ( he composed and performed her exercise music ).

Ryche is naturally very entertaining and he tells quite colorful story . The story of being asked to leave legendary rock band NEKTAR mid-concert , is one of my favorites . As it goes … Nektar was playing in a venue in New England . Ryche was on stage with ROYE ALBRIGHTON , when Roye , threatened by Ryche ' s virtuosity , turned his back to the audience and said , " If he doesn ' t leave , I will , and never come back !" Ryche unplugged , left the stage and never looked back . Perhaps the �rst of many “ disconnections ”.

There are some more stories that aren ' t quite as funny . One thing about being an artist , is how much of yourself you do reveal . When so much of one ’ s self is exposed , there ' s a lot more that can be hurt as a result of such vulnerability . Ryche has been fucked by friends and colleagues alike . It isn ' t anything new - all artists get fucked and Ryche has been fucked by the best … most notably PLAYBOY and LATOYA JACKSON . Due to terms of the settlement we can ' t really discuss the story in detail . But let ' s just say … both have had bouts of amnesia . One forgot and the other forgot to pay . Shoulda , coulda , woulda , Ryche was offered roles with FOREIGNER and BRYAN ADAMS . He declined . If hindsight were 20 / 20 , no one would ever miss a “ connection ”, would they ?

Music by


"Imagination Arrives"