ION INDIE MAGAZINE April 2015, Volume 11 | Page 8

STEVE ‘GRITS’ GRISHAM, DA MUSE, PHIL STOKES, DA HLUBEK and VE VE RANDALL HALL. They have also co-headlined and toured with THE BAD BOYS OF ROCK TOUR. Not too shabby! SILVERSEL has been signed to several labels, but have recently found their home with the STAR PRO RECORDS (a division of STAR ONE GROUP) family, a licensee of the media giant VIACOM...which has led to their branding as an OFFICIAL MTV ARTIST by their label. Their latest dynamic video “Icarus” can be viewed at h t t p : // v i a c o m . t v / m u s i c / s t a r 1 / s i l v e r s e l . p h p o r a t And the good news keeps coming for this bodacious band of brothers…no sooner was the ink dry on their contract with STAR PRO RECORDS, than SILVERSEL commanded the National Airplay DRT charts on three different charts…including the number two slot on the Rock charts! SILVERSEL is comprised of founder RICKY “STICKS” SALDANO/Drums and Percussion, JUST IN MY E RS/Guitar, GEORGE ADK INS/Bass, WAL LY SILVER/Vocals, Guitar and DA VID NEWMAN/Rhythm Guitar. They are exclusively signed with T&T MANAGEMENT AND BOOKING AGENCY—one of the top agencies in the world. RICKY SALDANO is endorsed by B-STICK.