ION INDIE MAGAZINE April 2015, Volume 11 | Page 12
Why should people buy a ticket to a SILVERSEL show? What makes you different?
Wally: We are there to put on a show. Sure, we wanna promote our music. But, if you
are buying a ticket to our show, we wanna make sure you get your money's worth.
So many bands today just go out, play their music, and it’s cool ‘cause you get to see
your favorite band, but you leave feeling you missed something. We want to make
sure you leave our show exhausted!
Ricky: People pay hard-earned money to see their favorite bands/artists perform.
SILVERSEL shows will always be full of energy. Fans will leave our shows
knowing that they got what they paid to come and see…heart-felt, high energy,
head-banging awesomeness! What makes us different? We do this because we love
it--not for the fame, not for the money--because we love to do it. We love to be able to
have the fans experience our lives. It’s just the best feeling when they come to us and
tell us that we gave them the ultimate music experience!
George: When we put on a show, it could be about 5 people or 5000…we'll put on the
same show. It's what we enjoy doing.
Justin: With every show that we play, we strive to make the next one that much
better for our audience. We have a song that everyone loves for us to perform,
because we have an awesome guitar battle between myself, Wally and David. And
it's so fun, because we try to find ways for the audience to pick the winner based on
their reaction to the things we try doing. Such as…Wally is playing behind his head,
I’m grabbing a drum stick to play with or David is scooting across the stage. Not all
of them work, but it's a lot of fun and the audience has a great time!
David: Well, when you pay to see a SILVERSEL show, you get exactly what you pay
for…a SHOW—a high energy, fun, crowd-involved, hell of a show! We love
interacting with our fans and giving them killer music!
What are your greatest challenges in today’s music climate?
Wally: The market is saturated with artists…really, really good artists. Many of
these bands go unheard of. And to us, that's a crime. AC/DC said it best, "It's a long
way to the top, if you wanna rock and roll." There are tons of great bands, however,
if radio won’t play you, no one knows you. To us, that's been a challenge. However,
we have always said from the very start, we are not in this for fame or fortune. We do
this ‘cause we love music. We love writing tunes that, when someone hears it, they
feel what we felt when we wrote it.
George: “Feed”. It's just fun to play.