I think you should make your warms ups hard with push ups, sit ups, squats, different calisthenics and more. If you do have people who are less able then you, you should say to
them just try your best. Having said that, you shouldn’t make it too easy and have a set
amount of reps for everything, like no more then ten press ups, so that they are left saying
I want more. It shouldn’t be like that. You want them to increase and increase and increase so they get better, otherwise eventually they will reach a plateau and they’ll think
this is too easy and they leave anyway.
In IOGKF International, there are over 55 different
countries. Within that we have very strong member
countries like England, Denmark and Canada. What do
you think the smaller countries should be doing to
increase their success?
It really depends on their idea of success is; whether it is having a successful organisation
or just a successful Dojo. For instance, a successful Dojo might be one with 100 students
and it’s a financially viable business and if you like you could make a good living out of it.
You may be able to teach and train and produce good students out it.
Or you might be focused on creating champions or really elite athletes. Those type of
people wouldn’t have a hundred students I wouldn’t imagine, unless they had it really
worked out and organised well. Because people who have full time Dojo’s need to make a
living from their classes, their Dojo’s can often become too expensive to train at so right
from the start they aren’t going to get a certain degree of people there.
With some of the smaller countries though, I think they just need to do the same as the
larger ones. But one thing all around is that you can’t train less than an hour and a half,
that’s too little. By the time you do your traditional Junbi Undo and even at a rush, that’s
15-20 minutes and even then that only leaves you with a bit over an hour for actual Karate
training. Then of course you have your supplementary training on top of that. I think you
should be explaining to people how to use a chishi and show them how to hit a Makiwara
and use pads and then they ͡