IOGKF International Magazine April | 页面 12

Since joining Master Higaonna and bringing India into the IOGKF, Sensei Mistry has taught in countries all over the world. He has become a regular addition at all major IOGKF events. He has also written popular books. In 2012, he successfully passed the test for 8th Dan in Okinawan Goju-ryu. Half a century of continuing to provide martial arts through Indian Dojo’s, Schools and the military is an extraordinary achievement and one that does not go unnoticed by IOGKF International’s founder. To mark this special anniversary IOGKF India has been given permission to hold a special chief instructors Gasshuku and an International Gasshuku in Jaipur, India. Master Morio Higaonna, Sensei Tetsuji Nakamura, Sensei Ernie Molyneux and other senior IOGKF International instructors will be traveling to India to celebrate with Sensei Mistry. Both of these major events will be held in Jaipur. The largest city of Northern India which was created in 1792. Jaipur has become the home to over 3.1 Million people. Its ancient Indian architecture coupled with the natural beauty of the area has led to Jaipur gaining the nick name of the ’pink city’. In 2007, IOGKF India held a major event in Goa with Master Higaonna and the event was a great success. The Academy of Martial Arts is working hard to try and surpass the efforts of their last event in a bid to make this Gasshuku one like no other.