IO Europe IO Europe 1-1 | Page 45

Can young people really make a difference in our society? – The right to vote – Does it have any sense at all? Justyna Dudek KL 2 TC Young people are really making a difference in the society, sometimes it is invisible but it is really true. The right to vote for all people is one from many chances for them, but sometimes it is not easy, as it seems. Young people come to adult life without enough much experience, but they can observe and think about it. So, can young people really make a difference in our society? Moreover, the right to vote, does it have any sense at all? Mark Twain said, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Therefore, in the first place young people can use imagination and dreams, which can come true in their lives. Their small plans and dreams give hope for all the society for a better future. In addition, the young people are very creative, their ideas are more often to see, and reward. With the help of the new technology they want make a change in the thinking of society about our common environment and common future. They make new organisations for environment and they are really happy to work as volunteers in these organisations. Finally, young people, who use the right to vote, sometimes could have got a problem with the right choice. Their choices could not be right and will make a problem for the society. We say that everybody makes mistakes. It is true especially for young people who learn on their mistakes or on mistakes their ancestries. The right vote is making a sense for all, because young people are this part of society, which should learn how to take a choice. It is clear from the above evidence that young people if they want can make a difference in society, and the right to vote for all is really important in creating the society, and all people should know what are the problems in their society and how can they resolve these problems. Am I proud of my country? Gabriela Pawelec I definitely think that I am proud of my homeland. Poland is a beautiful country with a very interesting history. There are many interesting places and monuments. I will try to prove my thesis with a few arguments. In the first place I will refer to the behavior of Polish people during the Second World War and their view in terms of Hitler’s activity. During the time of occupation Polish people were treated in a very bad way, but they have never forgotten about others help. Polish helped the Jews, but they often died because of that. The Ulmas’ family was one of many people who did it . They are the symbol of all families who saved the Jews .On March 24 1944 in the morning, the German army surrounded the Ulmas’ family house and shot eight Jews next then Józef and Wiktoria Ulma and their six children. The family was very brave. 45