17. Another option is to start your own business: • What is a company? Company is the name of a natural person and the name of a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality • 8 steps to create a company 1. Business Plan 2. Entry in the Register of Business Economy- determine the type of economic activity based on the number of PKD (Polish Classification of Activities) 3. Statistical Office-assigning REGON (Register of National Economy) 4. Opening a bank account 5. Application activityin the tax office-NIP number (Taxpayer Identification Number) 6. Execution of company seal 7. Application in the Social Insurance-determining how to calculate and pay pension, sickness and health contributions 8. If the company has employees, this fact must reported to the National Labour Inspectorate, the State Sanitary Inspectorate and the State Trade Inspection • Business Plan The business plan is a document in which are defined: aim of business, action tactics, strategy and the time in which these objectives should be achieved. • The entry in the Register of Business Entities 1. Records of business leads the municipality and the city 2. The person making the entry is the mayor, or city president. 3. Entry shall be subject to all individuals wishing to start a business and companies in organization • Entry to the REGON • The National Register of National Economy Entities • To registration REGON are subject to the following entities ✓ persons legal ✓ units organization without legal ✓ personality local units • Opening a bank account The entrepreneur is obliged to make or accept payments via a bank account. • Application activity in the tax office By submitting CEIDG-1 get NIP and make a choice in the form of income tax from individuals. 19