7 . They went to a site and interviewed one oft he vocational teachers there to see , how the work looks like .
Interview on the site
Mr . Kilian Mirosław , instructor who teaches vocational subjects at ZSB in Mielec
I am part taking in the Erasmus + project “ The Bridge ” at ZSB . One of the tasks is studying of the labor markets in Mielec . Therefore , I would like to conduct an interview with you . Do you agree ? - Yes , I do . 1 ) Working in this profession is associated with the enormous responsibility , in connection with that , does the salary that you receive is adequate to the duties ? - Yes , it does . 2 ) In your opinion , what do the salaries of different employees depend on ? Which professions are the best paid ones ? - Salaries depend on the qualifications , status of work and skills , I think the best paid professions are : bricklayer , carpenter and steel fixer . 3 ) Do you think that the professional experience has an influence on the amount of salaries ? - Naturally 4 ) Do employees with a wider range of building skills are better paid ? - Yes , they do . 5 ) Can You provide 4-5 features of character of a construction worker , which are the most valuable and are useful in that kind of work . - Hard working , conscientiousness , punctuality and loyalty 6 ) Do you think that in the nearest future salaries of construction workers in our region will grow ? - Of course , that the salaries of construction workers will increase in the near future . 7 ) Is your circle of friends dominated by younger workers , or rather the older , experienced engineers ? - It is dominated by older , experienced engineers . 8 ) Let ' s move on to the last question . Would you encourage the grammar school students to undertake further education in the direction of building industry ? - Definitely , because people have been building for years and will build up to x time .
Thank you for the interview and I wish you further success in your future career . Patrycja Pietryka