5.Autorskie Studio Projektowo-Inwestycyjne "ASPI" (Authoring Studio Design and Investment "ASPI") - designing individual houses and multi-family housing buildings, commercial buildings and manufacturing for small and medium-sized enterprises. 6. Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno Handlowo Usługowe "AGRO-BAZA" Waldemar Misiak (Production Trade and Service Company "AGRO-BASE" Waldemar Misiak) - construction materials. 7. Pracownia Projektowa mgr inż. D. Pazdro (Design Studio MSc. D. Pazdro) - parking lots, sidewalks, farm buildings, single-family housing, large construction, manufacturing, service, commercial, medical, beverage. 8. "TERMOBUD" A J Kowal - construction works in the country and abroad. 9. REXI Kompleksowa Obsługa Inwencji Budowlanych (REXI Comprehensive Service Inventions Building) - laboratory performs work in the field of architecture, urban planning, design and technology and interior design of residential and public buildings. 10. Firma Budowlana "Izolator" Mariusz Korzeń (Construction Company "Insulator" Mariusz Korzeń) - performing other finishing works. 11. "CEDRUS" FPUH Andrzej Cyran - construction of buildings of residential and non-residential. 12. F.H.U. SIGMA Pracownia Projektowa Bogdan Łukaszek (F.H.U. Sigma Design Studio Bogdan Łukaszek) - designing the architecture simple and functional with a modern form, with attention to detail and quality solutions. 13. Przedsiębiorstwo Instalacji Sanitarnych "Empis" (Sanitary Systems Company "Empis") - execution of electrical installations such as water and sewage., C.O., gas, industrial gases in buildings and office administrative, industrial buildings with the construction of external networks. 14. Instalacje Wodno-Kanalizacyjne CO i Gazowe Marcin Kwaśniewski (Plumbing and Gas CO Marcin Kwasniewski) - gas installations, installation of central heating C.O., underfloor heating, boiler. 15. Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Handlu Usług "PESAM" (Manufacturing Company Trading Services "PESAM") - complex of works in the field of industrial, residential and general. 16. Biuro Usług Geodezyjnych GEORAD (Services Geodetic Office GEORAD) - big task for the road infrastructure, technical, environmental (sanitary and rain collectors, sewage treatment plants, dams, reservoirs), as well as for individual clients. 17. Biuro Usług Geodezyjnych Tadeusz Wolanin (Services Geodetic Office Tadeusz Wolanin) - engineering activities and related technical consultancy. 18. "Geomap" Usługi Geodezyjne i Kartograficzne Józef Kusek ("Geomap" Services Geodetic and Cartographic Joseph Kusek) - Services Geodesy and Cartography. 11