Invivo Clinical Brochure 2014 Invivo Clinical Brochure Vol.1 2014 | Page 10

How to Register with Invivo Clinical We work with people who are passionate about preventative medicine, education and are hungry for knowledge. More and more people are making positive lifestyle choices and seeking out health solutions through integrative medicine. We are here to support practitioners, healthcare providers and patients. If you are qualified as an Doctor, Nutritionist, Osteopath, Physiotherapist or Acupuncturist then you can register for a clinician account. If you don’t fit into the categories above and have special circumstances, maybe we could help. Please call us on 01865 338045 to talk about your situation. The registration process is simple: 1. Go to 2. Click on the ‘Register Here’ button 3. Fill in your details (this will include sending your qualifications) Once we have received your registration, we will process it within 48 hours and send you your login and password details for the website. 8 Nutraceuticals, Laboratory Services and Medical Foods