InvincibleShe Year Book | Page 4


I started my association with InvincibleShe with the contagious enthusiasm of Anumita. And slowly it became a bigger platform for women to express themselves.

Why do we focus on women?

There is a reason why it is said, to educate a family; start with educating women. It is said that behind every successful man is a women. I would go as far as to say they are the 'silent' rulers of the world. Taking the thought forward, I can say that inspiration starts from home. The spirit of unity, of progress and inner spark of passion is generated at home.

Based on women that I have been influenced from, I'd say that women have been inspirers. They are a strong force of healing. They are more kind, loving and beautiful, both inside and out. Women are subtle, not rash or brawl. They can understand deeper and far-reaching implications of their actions. With women leading the force of good, we are working towards a better future. Not just taking care of the present and existing but thriving to be a better version of ourselves. A version we are proud of honing. A version to be remembered for ages.

Our Vision:

We are social beings. In this vast multiverse and endless time, we wish to make a meaning out of our fleeting existence. Combining our feelings, motivations, is a strength. We dream to be better, to progress further. And we can do it together.

So when women need inspiration, when they feel down, they feel like expressing themselves. Hearing stories of motivation and strength. And they need emotional support. Which is where we see our blog progress. As a form of support for all women through different means. You can treat it as a personal mood booster, share your story and read it again and again, for your inspiration and for others when you feel down. And we intend to continue to keep this companionship to you.

Managing Expectations:

And the last part for you, our readers. We would like to know how you want to be involved with us. It is a community process. We would like to know your expectations and feedback that you have for us. We look forward to your active participation.


Dipesh Devani
