they ultimately want to go. They hear they need
big dreams and big goals, so now they only want
to participate in deals that whoever they heard
speak told them were possible.
We search through hundreds of deals EVERY
month just to be able to present our active
investors each month with one to two Deals
that have a HIGH ROi [50-80%ROi]. Most of
our deals are First Trust Deeds or Cash flow
opportunities not Joint Ventures but those are
the ones that get us the most attention because
of the INSANE ROi.
However, it’s like the icing on the cake, we aren’t
just focused on a huge ROi because typically
with big reward comes big risk. So we have
to whittle down through a massive amount of
deals to find the diamonds in the rough. Low
risk, High reward and we are willing to wait for
the RIGHT deals.
The biggest reason that most new investors have
a skewed view of what is possible, is due in large
part, to what their current needs are and where
What they aren’t being told or hearing is the
amount of time and effort that went into making
that possible. They are told or assume that just
because they understand the formula they are
now ready to go. And typically that just isn’t the
case. In reality they are extremely underprepared
with far-fetched expectations of time line, effort
and ease of process.
Patience is one of
So many investors get emotionally involved and
just “WANT TO GO” so they rush research and
jump into a deal without the right due diligence.
Every time we present a deal, you have to tell
us if you are interested and how much you
would invest FAST or you will never get into
a deal. You then have 1-3 weeks (depending
on how fast it moves) to be able to do all your
due diligence. We even pull the borrowers
credit, check background and bank statements
to be able provide to our investors proper
due diligence. The last thing before we close
is provide our investors a 3rd party after repair
value appraisal giving them the ability to make
confident investments.
WHENEVER you are working
with anyone, GOOGLE THEM!
I can’t tell you how many times I
heard AFTER someone had a bad
experience they said, “I wish I would
have googled them before I invested.”
In this time of super technology don’t
be at a disadvantage because you
arne’t sure how something works.
Expectations decide if you answer...
Yes or No.
Most people FAIL in real estate and life because
they EXPECT too much and are willing to GIVE
too little. It’s called the “Entitlement mentality”,
The answer you give all depends on what you and most people have it and don’t know it. Until
expect to happen. When most people work with you can give up your ego and Put on your ‘Ring
each other that’s another challenge. We all have a of Responsibility’ that says no matter what it’s your
different version of what “good” means or “fast” fault, you can’t truly get into a place of power.
and expectations to go with those meanings.
You have to take responsibility for
Why is it a NEW YORK minute? Because time
actually moves faster in New York isn’t the answer
unless this is an episode of the Twilight Zone. It’s
You heard me correct, but what if it’s not your Fault?
because most people in New York move and talk
If you want to be a successful Entrepreneur or just
fast, just ask ANYONE from the DEEP South.
Happy, THAT isn’t a truism for you anymore. All
the successful people I have met, been a mentee
I read a book or article once that talked about this of or mentored, ALL have had the same attitude
from a sales perspective. It said something like, towards responsibility. They all had 3 MAIN things
if you want to sell to someone you have to match that stood out:
them, pace, tempo, etc. Tony Robbins even talks
about this, in fact I think it was him who I heard this
They were willing to do whatever it takes. In Gary
from. The point of the story to me was people will
Keller’s book “The ONE Thing” He actually put in to
buy from people that they know WHAT TO EXPECT
words something I always did but thought it made
me compulsive obsessive. He said, “Successful
people look at tasks different. They work until the
task is complete, where most people work until the
When you trust someone, what is that?
Think about it, it’s the feeling that you KNOW what day or their shift is over.” SO TRUE. I’ve had such a
they would do in a situation. Like if you gave them challenge getting anyone to work for me because
money to hold. You probably wouldn’t do that to of this habit.
a total stranger but you might to your family or
friends. When you break trust into its most basic They were Action Takers. This just means they
and simple form, it’s about Expectations.
didn’t sit and wait for “something” to happen.