When you “get it”
you’ll start making
decisions based on
Everyone wants to party with you at the top, they
just don’t want any part of the ride up there. It’s too
hard, it’s to this, and it’s to that... It’s ALWAYS going
to be something. People either have excuses or
solutions. Which are you going to be? The best part
is that you get to choose; your whole life is a choice.
When it’s your choice and your consequence is
either good or bad the decisions can give you These days we are focused on how to get instant
results. We are willing to listen to anyone with a
quick fix solution. The problem is, there isn’t one.
Think about how hard and long you have looked for
It’s scary at the top and like being in shark infested a quick solution; it could be years. Think about how
waters with a cut. You have to not only stop the ALL of the successful people in your field took time
bleeding, but also figure out a way back to shore. to get there. It wasn’t one week, or even one year...
90% of people say, “Forget this,” and move on. 99% of the people you look up to and respect
They don’t feel the time, effort or energy it will take struggled for years to get there.
to survive is worth the pay off and they search for
They didn’t fall into it, They CREATED IT. There
another way. What happens is that they jump in
is no “knight in shinning armor”, instead there is
someone else’s life raft and they start helping them
countless people who didn’t respect their time or
paddle. Now if they fail it’s not technically their fault
effort at first. There was no “white horse,” it was a
beat up car or truck that barely ran that they had
to park down the street so no one knew what they
drove. All the people who have achieved what you
want, just wanted it more than you do right now. You
currently have everything you are willing to sacrifice
for. Your life is just a result of what you consistently
do, so if you don’t like your results, then CHANGE
Taking your life in your own hands is the SCARIEST
thing you’ll ever do until you can’t imagine your life
any other way. We all hate that guy who says on TV,
“I’ve got millions and it was EASY!! You can get it
too! It’s EASY!!” We believe that, and when it’s not
easy we think it’s US. To some degree we are right.
It is US! We limit ourselves and we hold ourselves
We are the ones who are in complete control of our
destiny whether we believe it or not. This doesn’t
mean that we can’t hand over the steering wheel
to someone else. We have many reasons for doing
this, but at the core it’s because we are scared to
be responsible. We want someone else to have the
answers. When those answers are wrong we NEED
to be able to blame someone else. It wasn’t until
I stopped this way of thinking and started taking
the responsibility for everything that I was able to
change the trajectory of my business and ultimately
mine and my families’ lives
No on wants to hear how hard it is. Everyone wants
to hear, “here is the secret.” That mindset is set
for failure. If you still have a victim mentality, it’s
time to slap the stupid out of you. I know that was
aggressive, but you need to learn two simple things.
First, EXPECT NOTHING and second, ACCEPT
Yep that’s right, accept everything, it doesn’t mean
you keep