Entrepreneurship is lonely not because of
competition, but because it’s necessary to travel the
journey alone. There are no short cuts and there are
no exceptions. It takes long hours, lots of failure,
and more determination than you can imagine.
It’s not about if you fall, but if you can get back up.
EVERY successful person has hundreds of failures
that litter the path to their success. From a decision
to go one way to a strategy that just doesn’t work,
the reality is entrepreneurs don’t quit.
“When in the face of fear,
failure or humiliation,
successful people choose
to keep going even though
they are scared, stressed, and
in the dark.” - Pete ASMUS
Entrepreneurs choose to not let their fear of other
people’s opinions get in the way of their ultimate
success. They realize these opinions only matter
if there is a check attached to it. Everyone has an
opinion, most of them you can’t deposit In a bank.
Every entrepreneur has said in regards to other
business owners, “They don’t know what they are
doing! Why are they doing it that way? It should
be done like this”. We know deep down that we
were born to have our own company. We want to
change the world to some degree even if it’s just
our immediate world of not punching in or wearing
some uniform. I NEVER could handle them telling
me how to dress when they had HORRIBLE taste in
clothes. I saw their wardrobe and now they were
making me dress like them?
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