Investment Projects, Business Armenia Haypost Public-Private Partnership | Page 4
Need for Reform
The dependence of HayPost on public services is described in terms of the following 2
1. Postal services
Revenues and volumes of postal services are mainly directed by state institutions
(election-notices, referendum, court, traffic police, etc.)
Low-level engagement in the most competitive and profitable market segments, such as
express and messenger communication
Limited volumes of e-commerce and door-to-door delivery services
The postal business is predominantly focused on the segments of traditional services
Postal services are accompanied by low productivity; each postal office generates about
13,000 AMD per day
2. Financial services
The predominant portion of financial services income is generated through the services
provided by state institutions, such as payments of pensions and social benefits
The number of annual transactions of pensions and social benefits delivery reduced by
20% from 2011-2016; the relative stability of income was maintained due to increase of
amounts of pensions and social benefits
The engagement in the most competitive and profitable segments of the market, such as
money transfers, is less than 1%
Each postal office generates 13,000 AMD per day from financial services