Investing in Mauritius Property Investing in Mauritius Property | Page 24


Mauritius is an ideal place to enjoy a relaxing holiday . The tropical island is famous for its unique sun , sand , sea and , without forgetting , for the heart-touching Mauritian hospitality . Situated in the Indian Ocean , in the east of Madagascar , with a surface area of 720 square miles , the pear shaped island offers visitors the magnificent landscapes of the countryside and sea views within a few miles of travel . The natural beauties of the paradise island include its sea , waterfalls , rivers , craters , natural forests and its odd shaped mountains . It is worthwhile to hire a car in Mauritius , to visit all those hidden gems on the island .
Mauritius , a volcanic island formed in the middle of the Indian Ocean , could offer only limited possibilities of natural colonization . The result is that only a few animals found shelter on the island by air or by sea – mostly birds and reptiles but no mammals except for bats . It is interesting to note that no amphibian lives on the island . Ile aux Aigrettes , off the Southeast coast of the island , has been established to assist in the revival of indigenous forests and reintroduce rare species on the island . Island Tours are available to the general public to contemplate the few native species that still exist . Those include :
The Pink Pigeon
This bird exhibits a beautiful plumage of bright pink and lives in the forest , eating leaves and fruit . A captive breeding program saved the species from extinction and there is now some 250 birds in the island ’ s forests . It can especially be seen on Ile aux Aigrettes .
The Echo Parakeet
Green with a distinctive blue and pink collar , this parrot was also saved from extinction by captive breeding . In 1986 , there were some 20 birds , and today , the number is approaching two hundred .
The Pic Pic
It is one of the most common native birds to Mauritius . It is small , with a gray and white plumage and love wandering around the forests in noisy groups .
The Mauritian Cardinal
Most of the Cardinal population lives in the forest near Bassin-Blanc ( Southern part of the island ). This species is now very rare because rats and monkeys are fond of their eggs .
The Round Island skink
A large skink can reach thirty centimeters long and the Round Island species is no exception . The island can be visited and if found in north of Mauritius which now serves as a nature reserve .
The gecko
This gecko with bright colors can be found in the driest areas of the island , but especially on neighbouring islets that aure usually seen chasing or drinking nectar from flowers . They are of an emerald-green with stripes and blue and red spots .
Mauritius was a green patch lost in the Indian Ocean . Formerly a compact forest covered the entire island , except on some points of the coast . And the splendid forests of “ exotic wood ”, with ebony trees down to the edge of the sea were tempting for merchants and captains . Quickly , Mauritian ebony wood had a great reputation in the European markets . The Dutch massively exploited Ebony thinking it was an unlimited resource .
The exploitation of the primeval forest and clearing to make way for plantations , continued with the French and the English . Now what is left of the immense primeval forest , are only scattered patches , finally reserves protected by law , with a total area less than 2000 hectares where millennia giants are found . The majority of these reserves are located on the southwest massif : Bel Ombre , Montagne Cocotte , Petrin and Maccabee and near the gorges of the Black River .
Trees and Flowers found in Mauritius
Being of volcanic origin , Mauritius offers a haven of natural beauty when it comes to flowers and trees . Here is what you can expect to experience in Mauritius in terms of flora .
Mauritius boasts over 700 species of indigenous plants . Vividly coloured flowers decorate the island . With over 60 orchid species alone , Mauritius is the second largest supplier of plants and cut flowers in the world ! Many of those plants are threatened with extinction because less than 2 % of their natural habitats remain , as well as competition with introduced plants and animals that destroy their fruits and seedlings . In collaboration with the National Parks and the Conservation and Forestry Services , the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation is working to protect these species and the forest for future generations .