Investing in Mauritius Property Investing in Mauritius Property | Page 2

MAURITIUS welcomes you to an insight into the Mauritius Property market, investor opportunities and what Mauritius has to offer other than its incredible beauty. The Republic of Mauritius is a group of islands in the South West of the Indian Ocean, consisting of the main island of Mauritius, Rodrigues and several outer islands located at distances greater than 350 km from the main island. Mauritius has been successively a Dutch, French and British colony. It became independent of Britain on 12th March 1968 and acceded to the status of Republic within the Common- wealth on 12th March 1992. The country has a Westminster type of Parliamentary government. The official language is English, but French is widely spoken. The population, estimated at 1.3 million, comprises Indo-Mauritians, General population, i.e, people of mixed European and African origin and Sino- Mauritians. The islands of Mauritius and Rodrigues, with a total area of 1,979 sq km, have an overall population density of 639 persons per sq km. About 43% of the area is allocated to agriculture, 25% is occupied by built-up areas and 2% by public roads; the remaining consists of abandoned canefields, forests, scrub land, grasslands and grazing lands, reservoirs and ponds, swamps and rocks. Mauritius enjoys a mild tropical maritime climate throughout the year, characterized by a warm humid summer extending between November and April and a relatively cool dry winter between June and September. October and May are the transition months.Mean mid-day temperature ranges from 260C to around 300C in Summer and from 220C to 270C in winter when moving from the Centre to the coastal areas. During the past thirty years, the Mauritian economy has diversified from a sugar-cane monocrop econ- omy in the 1970’s to one based on sugar, manufacturing (mainly textiles and garments) and tourism in the 1980’s. Global business (offshore) and freeport activities have also been growing continuously since the mid 1990s. The economy in 2016 grew by 3.7% and the Gross National Income per capita at market prices reached 341,752 rupees. Unemployment rate is estimated at about 7.3% while inflation stood at 1.0% in 2016. REAL GDP GROWTH RATE 3.8% (2018) INFLATION RATE 1.60% ADULT LITERACY RATE 92.85% LAND MASS 2040km2 OFFICIAL LANGUAGE English WIDLEY SPOKEN LANGUAGE French, Creole other Asian Languages GDP PER CAPITA 10,285.85 USD in Dec 2017 PERCENTAGE OF GDP FROM CONSTRUC- TION & REAL ESTATE 10.5% For the inside track on Investor Opportunities in the Mau- ritius Property market register here. Alternatively email: [email protected]