Investing in Mauritius Property Investing in Mauritius Property | Page 19

GDP: DIRECT CONTRIBUTION The direct contribution of Travel & Tourism to GDP was MUR36.0bn (USD1.0bn), 8.4% of total GDP in 2016 and is forecast to rise by 2.5% in 2017, and to rise by 4.7% pa, from 2017-2027, to MUR58.1bn (USD1.6bn), 9.2% of total GDP in 2027. GDP: TOTAL CONTRIBUTION The total contribution of Travel & Tourism to GDP was MUR108.9bn (USD3.1bn), 25.6% of GDP in 2016, and is forecast to rise by 2.9% in 2017, and to rise by 4.7% pa to MUR177.0bn (USD5.0bn), 27.9% of GDP in 2027. EMPLOYMENT: DIRECT CONTRIBUTION In 2016 Travel & Tourism directly supported 45,500 jobs (8.2% of total employment). This is expected to remain unchanged in 2017 and rise by 1.9% pa to 55,000 jobs (9.4% of total employment) in 2027. EMPLOYMENT: TOTAL CONTRIBUTION In 2016, the total contribution of Travel & Tourism to employment, including jobs indirectly supported by the industry was 24.3% of total employment (135,000 jobs). This is expected to rise by 0.3% in 2017 to 135,500 jobs and rise by 1.7% pa to 161,000 jobs in 2027 (27.4% of total). INVESTMENT Travel & Tourism investment in 2016 was MUR4.3bn, 5.3% of total investment (USD0.1bn). It should rise by 7.6% in 2017, and rise by 6.4% pa over the next ten years to MUR8.6bn (USD0.2bn) in 2027, 7.2% of total.