Investigating the impacts of ocean acidification in the Southern Ocean - Antarctic Cruise | Page 56

They become of particular importance in this region of the world because of the scarceness of terrestrial plants on the Antarctic continent and general surrounding area , causing the ecosystem to be heavily dependent on marine productivity to keep it going . The result is that the Southern Ocean is able to boast a staggering variety of mammals , seabirds and invertebrates , which I have been only too happy to experience myself !
We are currently in transit to South Georgia , a beautiful example of how much Southern Ocean ecology is dependent on marine productivity . There is currently an algal bloom in the waters around this isolated island , supporting much of the marine life in the area . Almost all the animals found on South Georgia feed offshore , and therefore owe their existence to these regular blooms . Everyone on board is quite excited to have the opportunity to explore this remote sliver of land , and all the wildlife it has to offer . Phytoplankton might certainly be microscopic , but I enjoy reminding myself that I don ’ t necessarily need a microscope to admire how very important they are .
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