Investigating Sustainability Rose 2013 | Page 11

Ivory Trade by David Chen
How species of elephants do you think are left on this world ? The answer to
that question is two . Not very many , right ? There are only two species left because
of two reasons . Well one , because of the overpopulating world taking the animals ’
habitat and two , because cruel poachers are illegally killing the gentle creatures to
take the ivory , which is what their tusks are made of .
Most people have never
known that African elephants were and still are being killed toward extinction .
Researchers have warned us that at the current death rate of elephants they could be
extinct by the year 2020 .
Beginning of Killing and Why Ivory is Needed
Lots of high-quality items used to be made out of ivory such as piano keys ,
billiard balls , and etcetera . Now , there are substitutes for these items so that we do