§ 300-600 Northern Right Whales
§ 3,000-2,000,000 Sperm Whales
§ 6,000-9,000 Humpback Whales
§ 20,000-60,000 Fin Whales
§ 15,000-25,000 Gray Whales
§ 25,000-45,000 Narwhal Whales
§ An unknown number of Orca Whales
There used to be millions of each species of whale .
Large whales were very popular , because they provided more materials than small whales . There were more than 200,000 blue whales in 1900 , and by 1967 , there were only 6,000 left . When blue whales became scarce , other large whales were hunted , until scientists saw the decline in whale populations .
o Some whales , like the Northern Right Whale , which has been protected for more than 65 years and only have a population of a couple hundred , are not doing well in repopulation , while others are doing very well .
*** DID YOU KNOW ?***
Scientists today have a complicated process of ESTIMATING ( remember it is only an estimation and the actual number can vary by 50 %) the populations of whales . They make sure they cover a large area by moving slowly in a zigzag course . Using binoculars , researchers scan the horizon for blowhole spouts or surfacing whales . Then they record the whale ’ s approximate location in relation to the boat , and the