leaving their main duties undone , making the honey that sweetens our lives , and pollinating about 130 fruits and vegetables in America . The honey production dropped about 50 % in 2008 , and the decreasing population of the bees already impacted the over 15 billion dollar industry .
You still don ’ t get why this is a crisis ? Well , basically , honey bees go out to collect nectar from flower to flower to produce their honey . While doing that , they perform a free service . The pollen they get stuck on them from one flower fertilizes another when collect nectar from different flower , which results in fruits and vegetables . And farmers and other businesses and industries can collect those crops and sell them for other people to eat , and make money . But when the honey bees keep dying off , not enough honey or crops are produced , which results in increasing prices of fruits , nuts , vegetables , and honey . And this continuing decreasing of bees is already affecting how much a [ n ] [ over ] 15 billion crop industry .
Well , what ’ s killing them !? There have been many suspected causes of CCD [ Colony Collapse Disorder ]. Scientist even counted cellphones as a cause because the radio waves sent from the phones were picked up by bees and caused them to fly erratically and take it as an emergency warning to leave the hive . ( But before you throw that cellphone away , you should know that ’ s not the only cause !). Pesticides have also been known to be a cause of CCD . Sometimes farmers spray pesticides