Are Electric Cars More Harmful Than We Think ? By : Ryan Stanczyk
What You don ' t Know
Are Electric Cars More Harmful Than We Think ? By : Ryan Stanczyk
People say we should bring back electric cars but do the really no the truth behind electric cars ? If you asked anyone who didn ’ t know about electric cars the following question ...” do you think electric cars are good for the environment ?” the majority would say yes not knowing its actually worse than driving a gas powered car
What You don ' t Know
Electric car batteries contain lead , Lead gets into our air by driving electric cars . People die from lead poisoning around the world . If lead gets into your bloodstream it is not good for you because it can cause children to have mental problems and people to have memory loss . It is also not good for the environment because
Suppose you do drive an electric car , how do you think you would get the energy , where would it come from ? Its called nuclear power plants . People think that driving electric cars can help our environment and gas doesn ' t come from tailpipes , well you are right about one thing gas does not go through tailpipes but instead smokestacks at power plants . Nuclear energy and burning fossil fuels are already make so much energy for cities , and towns but can you imagine making more energy for everyone who has an electric car ?
" 2008 report by the Natural Resources Defense Council , an environmental advocacy group , states that the widespread use of plug-in hybrids could create " significant increases of soot and mercury " in the air . A similar report by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency found that plug-in hybrids would release twice as much sulfur