Hybrid cars get better miles per gallon . Toyota is the best . Hybrid cars burn less fuel . Proponents think that the world depends on gas . Hybrid cars aren ' t earth friendly , because they use coal burning power plants . Its not healthy for the environment . Hybrid vehicles decrease fossil fuels . Hybrid vehicles need a little amount of gas . Hybrid cars cut 90 percent of the smog and half have carbon dioxide . Hybrid cars won ' t leak . If you brake too much on a hybrid car you can minimize its energy .
What are the dangers of having a hybrid car ?
Hybrid cars are very quiet , and blind pedestrians don ' t hear them coming so they get into an accident . If you get into a car crash , your car might go into shock and could seriously injure you . Pedestrians don ' t like that . When you replace a hybrid car battery , it will cost up to three thousand dollars .
Why are hybrid cars popular ?
They use less gas . they go faster . Hybrids are affordable to buy , but you do have to charge them . When hybrid cars stop , the gas motor and electric battery turn off when idle . Hybrid cars use less gas , and they run on electricity . Hybrid cars cut half of carbon dioxide . In a couple of years , there will be more hybrid cars than regular cars on the road .