Investigating Sustainability McAdam 2013 | Page 13

can prove which is better . If one gets cleaned better than the other then obviously that one would be healthier than the other . But if they were cleaned just the same then the quality of tap and bottled water shouldn ’ t differ as much .
How greatly does bottled water affect our world ?
Bottled water is such a little topic in our world of controversies but still has a great effect on our environment and economy . Bottled water effects our environment because bottled water obviously uses plastic which is supposed to be recycled when most people just throw it away . After a class of seventh graders took a survey ( the same one from before ) it showed that only four out of thirty one students use a reusable container to drink their water . That is roughly fourteen percent , that is a very low percent and that goes to show people use bottled water because it is an easier way of providing yourself with a great necessity , but it can get quite expensive . That leaves me into how bottled water can affect
the economy . Bottled water can affect the economy in many ways ; one way is that it is that it can get quite expensive . Bottled water profits have grown at least 6.5 million dollars since 2000 in the U . S . alone . This may sound outrageous but it ’ s true , bottled water can get very expensive but that ’ s just because water is something everyone needs and