Investigating Sustainability Foltz 2013 | Page 5

make it nicer . They don ' t use it to carpool like they should .
What can we do to help ?
We can plant more trees and we can also switch SUVs to solar energy . If we plant more trees it can take out some of the carbon dioxide in the air that SUVs create . If we switch SUVs to solar energy the sun can power the SUVs and there won ' t be as much pollution .
There are some cars and SUVs that are called hybrid . Some use solar power with gasoline but some use electricity with gasoline . This can help us use less gas . There are also people that are trying to find other ways to make gasoline . One of these is called biofuel . Biofuel can come from corn or other sources . People are still trying to make it easier to use biofuel and to find other ways to power cars and SUVs . While we wait for the other ways to power vehicles we can try to stop people from buying so many SUVs .
How do we prevent people from buying SUVs ?
We need to tell people that SUVs are hurting our environment . We can show other people that solar power vehicles and hybrids are important for helping the environment . We should use buses and ride bikes or walk as much as we can . If we use them less or drive more fuel efficient vehicles then we can help the environment .
Interesting facts
75 % of people I surveyed said that SUVs should switch to solar energy but 25 % of people say that they should keep using gas but switch to a smaller gas tank . I think that they should