Investigating Sustainability Foltz 2013 | Page 10

The Water ’ s Contaminants

These are few of the chemicals found in tap water . Arsenic , Germs , Nitrates , Rocket Fuel , Disinfection by-products , Lead , and Copper
The main complaint to water treatment plants are what and how much of it is in regular tap water ? Contaminants in tap water vary from place to place . For example , 37 states of the U . S . have had no record of diseases transmitted by dirty water , including New Jersey . Only New York State has had 4 or more records of diseases transmitted by water . The world is changing in technology and medicine . As it does , many of the byproducts end up in one place . Our water . What are the pollutants that are making a big impact now ?
“ Right now , many contaminants have been countless contaminants in the water and are currently being regulated by water treatment plants around the globe ” says Tim O ’ Brien , an engineer for the company “ American Water ”. He also described a annual water quality report . There is an HLD ( Highest Level Detected ) which states the highest level of a contaminant throughout the year . There is also an MCL and MCLG ( Maximum Contaminant Level and Maximum Contaminant Level Goal ). This show the highest amount of a chemical is allowed in the water for it to be safe and the goal of how much of it you want in the water . These contaminants are measured by PPM and PPB ( Parts Per Million / Billion ). For example , for 2012 , the chemical barium had a . 1ppm HLD , a 2 ppm MCL , and the MCLG was reached . For fluoride , there was a . 5 ppm HLD , a