Invest in Our Economy April-June 2021 Invest in Our Economy April-June 2021 | Page 3



The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth ( HSC ) and Tarrant County have created a feature that allows organizations and businesses to request a pop-up COVID-19 vaccine site be held at their location .
Businesses can submit their requests on the HSC and Tarrant County vaccine information website . The request form asks that submissions include information such estimated attendance and capacity , location accessibility features and photos of the proposed space . Logistical factors such as parking availability will be considered in determining what locations are suitable for pop-up clinics , said Dr . Sylvia Trent-Adams , HSC Chief Strategy Officer .
“ As demand for the vaccine has decreased , data suggests that the larger static vaccine sites are no longer as effective as they were early in the vaccine rollout ,” Dr . Trent-Adams said . “ This next phase of vaccinations will require more oneon-one interactions and more mobile sites that operate for shorter times at locations and events where people live and work . It is essential to partner with businesses and organizations to make that happen .” HSC will equip its Mobile Clinic to administer the vaccine in neighborhoods with low vaccination rates and has partnered with OptumServe , a national veteranled health care services business , to open and operate vaccine clinics . These pop-up mobile clinics will be deployed throughout the community at no cost to organizations or community partners .
“ Tarrant County and HSC continue to partner together to respond to the evolving challenges brought on by this pandemic . Now that demand for the vaccine has dropped , these smaller mobile units will make vaccinations more accessible and convenient for our community ,” said Tarrant County Judge Whitley . “
To register for a pop-up clinic , visit the TCPH website to apply .
The Texas Rangers and Comerica Bank are partnering together to host a contest that will help minorityowned and / or woman-owned businesses located within 50 miles of Globe Life Field .
The Comerica Call-Up contest aims to help businesses continuing to experience the effects of the pandemic . The contest entry period opened on June 15 , 2021 and will end on July 31 at 11:59 p . m CT . Applicants can apply online and can choose to submit a five-minute video or 1,000 word essay .
The grand prize winner will receive a Rangers radio and digital marketing sponsorship for the 2022 MLB season including :
• Five social media posts on Rangers social media feeds
• Ten : 30 second promotional radio spots during broadcasts of Rangers ’ games
• One half-page program ad in the Rangers 2022 program
• Four tickets for one ( 1 ) 2022 Rangers game
• A private suite night provided by Comerica Bank
The top two runners-up will receive a mention on social media in final video and four tickets to a 2022 Rangers game . To apply , visit the MLB Comerica Call Up website .