INVERT TO ALERT Jun. 2013 | Page 8


::: concept :::

Rute Barbedo, volunteer in Eesti Erinoorsootöö Ühing noOR

(September 2012 – June 2013)

::: development :::

Eesti Erinoorsootöö Ühing noOR (non-governmental organisation committed to support youngsters with fewer opportunities at Estonian, European and international levels)

::: field work :::

a total of 60 Estonian and international volunteers collected by noOR were involved in the three actions

::: cooperation :::

Invert to Alert was developped with the support of international, national, regional and local partners, in the fields of youth, disabilities and public and private services, such as:

Tallinna Puuetega Inimeste Koda

Humana – Estonia


Viru Keskus

Euroopa Noored


Estonian Deaf Association

Estonian Deaf Organization for Youth

Põhja-Eesti Autismi Liit

Tallinn University

Tallinn government

Estonian Unesco Youth Association