Invenias Company Overview Datasheet (In-House-Americas) Company Datasheet (In House/Americas) | Page 3

Maximize your Talent Intelligence Capture the High Value Data including Likes & Feedback, scoring & assessment, references and referrals from trusted sources. Build upon openly available Base Data such as personal information found in CVs and Resumes and on-line social business profiles. “Invenias has enabled our leadership recruiting team significantly and is the best executive recruiting database and tool we have ever used. It is intuitive, quick, and a great way to keep track of our projects and people. The customer support is awesome and we’re looking forward to leveraging it more deeply over time.” Tiffany Raymond, Director, Leadership Recruiting, Tesla Invenias Transforms Search Ensure cost effective and workable compliance with the GDPR to provide assurance for candidates and manage risk for your company Transform engagement with hiring managers and stakeholders across your organisation with simple applications that enable collaboration communication and real-time feedback to facilitate better search engagement and hiring outcomes Provide candidates a private branded online tool to manage their profile privacy and assignment activity Enable your team to work from anywhere and with web, desktop and mobile solutions San Francisco | New York | Reading | Prague | Kuala Lumpur | Singapore | Sydney | [email protected]