Invasive Plant Control Status Report Knot Weed July 2023 | Page 2

Introduction This comprehensive status report provides an overview of an ongoing project in Springfield , Massachusetts , focused on invasive plant control in public landscapes . The project aims to reduce the population of invasive plants by 15 % over a five-year period . The primary objective of the current phase is to address the invasive Japanese knotweed . The project is funded by a grant from the Springfield Community Preservation Act Committee and implemented by ReGreen Springfield in collaboration with the Springfield Parks Department and the Springfield Conservation Commission .
Project Goals The primary goal of the invasive plant control project is to mitigate the spread and impact of invasive plants in public landscapes within Springfield . The specific objectives for this phase of the initiative include the following :
A . Reduction of invasive Japanese knotweed population .
B . Utilization of environmentally friendly methods without the use of pesticides , sprays , or chemicals . C . Implementation of recommended methods from the University of Massachusetts . D . Cut down the knotweed every ten days to prevent regrowth . E . Survey all treated areas and note any areas needing additional cutting / treatment .