Introduction to Mindfulness_349810_bookemon_ebook.pdf Coaching and Practising Mindfulness | Page 16

This return to the present moment requires practice. It is achieved principally by using the breath as a focus, following the in-breath for the full duration of your in-breath, and the out-breath for the full duration of the out-breath. Yoga, body scan and mindful walking are also ways to bring our attention to the present moment. All of these methods work best when undertaken with an attitude of kindness towards oneself, and with a non-judgmental acceptance of whatever one is feeling or not feeling in any given moment. Mindfulness is the act of deliberately paying attention in a particular way. This particular way involves bringing the attention back to the present moment and being non judgmental. So we become aware of the full range of experience including sensory impressions, thoughts, imagery emotions, urges and impulses. We even can become aware of the quality of mindfulness itself. Because we do not judge the content or the processes of our mind we become freer to observe without identifying with the contents of our thoughts. It is as if we are watching the stream of consciousness rather than swimming in it and being buffeted by its eddies and currents. 15