InTouch with Southern Kentucky January 2020 | Page 25

The business continued to grow, with Anderson and his wife Patricia hiring additional staff until their retirement in 1989. That’s when the Harold and Terry took over from her parents. Terry has worked with the family business since 1970. In addition to their storefront, Anderson Office Supply has two warehouses just a bit up Main Street at Gateway Center. Expansion, however, doesn’t equate to a move from Downtown. Harold appreciates city and county officials for promot- ing downtown Somerset, of which he plans the store to be part of for years to come. “We’re traditional and we want to see Downtown suc- ceed,” he said. The Gateway Center warehouses hold Anderson’s furniture and larger equipment. “We offer new, closeout and gently used furniture,” Harold said, adding the store carries brand names like Ashley, OfficeSource and HON. Anderson’s equipment brands include Lexmark and KYOCERA, which Harold calls a “commercial, mission-critical” line. “It’s a machine that does not break down that of- ten,” he said. The staff are truly like family. Keith Lawless, head of furniture and copier sales, has worked with Anderson Office Supply for 30 years. Pam Goodin has been with the company for 25 years. while Bryan Gibson has been with Anderson for a couple of years doing repairs. Under the Harold and Terry’s leadership, Anderson Office Supply continues to expand its services to include an IT (information tech- nology) department headed up by Jeff Howard, a former Apple pro- grammer with 25 years experience who repairs computers and builds networks. But the main attraction is Spud, the 13-year-old pug who has been the face of Anderson Office Supply since he was just a pup. Anderson has turned Spud’s “Our customers recognize the importance of having locally- owned, brick-and-mortar stores to go to because we provide services that you can get no other place.” Harold Hurt celebrity into an opportunity to do good with an annual fundraiser for the local Humane Society. “Spud is our spokesperson by ac- cident,” Harold laughed, recounting the story of a local doctor passed in his car one day that he had Spud outside, made a U-turn and said: ‘I want to see that dog.’” “The doctor came back the next day and brought his wife with him. She bought $6,000 worth of office furniture,” said Harold. “I decided then and there Spud would be the feature of my business.…We have Providing Quality of Life for Amputees for Over 30 Years Conventio Suction & Elev nal Vacuum Suspe ated nsion W e A ccept M edicAre , M edicAid & M ost p rivAte i nsurAnces 606-451-0668 1005 W est C olumbia s treet s omerset , KY J anuary 2020 W e Are contrActed With the v eterAns A dMinistrAtion Visit our website: Like Us On I n T ouch with S outhern K entucky • 25