InTouch with Southern Kentucky January 2020 | Page 19
Adanta CEO Beverly Loy.
to any suspicions. It is up to law en-
forcement to investigate suspected
cases of human trafficking.
What can you do to bring aware-
January 11, 2020 is Wear Blue Day
sponsored by The Department of
Homeland Security. On this date
wear blue and simply take a picture
of yourself, your friends, your col-
leagues, or your family wearing blue
and post it online on social media
using the hashtags #WearBlueDay
and #WeWearBlueBecause. What
is most important that you don’t
forget to include a statement about
why you are participating.
As our society becomes much
more aware of many oppressive so-
cial structures and crimes, we must
start to acknowledge and address
J anuary 2020
human trafficking as well. It may be
hard to accept that this crime exists
in our communities, but we have to
share the knowledge that this is a
reality for far too many victims in
order to change that reality. Do your
part this January: hang up a poster,
share a video, snap a picture, and
help bring human trafficking out of
the shadows.
If you suspect human trafficking
you can report it to Federal Law
enforcement at 1-866-347-2423.
To get help from the National Hu-
man Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-
7888 or text HELP or INFO to BeFree
Department of Homeland Security
Salvation Army
Respectfully Submitted,
The Adanta Group
1-800- 633-5599
Emergency Crisis Line
Beverly Loy, LPCC
The Adanta Group
Executive Director
I n T ouch with S outhern K entucky • 19