InTouch with Southern Kentucky February 2020 | Page 37

• Improve Self-Confidence – Can boost self-esteem • Enjoyment for the great out- doors – spend time with nature, see things in a different light • Prevent cognitive decline – exercise boosts the chemicals in the brain that support and prevent degeneration of the hippocampus (the part of the brain that controls our memory and learning) • Alleviate anxiety • Boost brainpower –studies has shown that exercise can create new brain cells and improve overall brain performance Exercise doesn’t have to be formal process – it just needs to be about being more active each day – may- be taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking further away from the front door of the store, walking to another room to talk to someone instead of texting. Where do we begin with exercise? Start with learning where you are now. Use a pedometer to show you how many steps you take every day or keep a diary documenting how long you spend being active. Then you can utilize the SMART process to determine your goals: S – Specific – what are you going to do? Be very clear. I will increase my daily steps by 1,000 steps. M – Measurable – you can measure that you took 1,000 extra steps per day. A – Achievable – set a goal you know you can reach. We want to reach for the stars but we have to take baby steps to get there. R – Relevant – it has to be some- thing YOU want to achieve not some- one else. T – Time-based – in what amount of time do you want to achieve the goal. Once you have achieved your 1st SMART goal set another goal and continue with increasing your phys- ical health to aide in your mental health. Life is about Balance. Balance Physical Health with Mind Health – we find our balance with Mind, Body, and Soul. C ALL TODAY FOR YOUR PERSONAL TOUR! 145 TOWER CIRCLE • SOMERSET, KENTUCKY • BLUEGRASSLIVINGKFB.COM • 606.679.4578 F ebruary 2020 I n T ouch with S outhern K entucky • 37