InTouch with Southern Kentucky April 2020 | Page 28
Somerset behavior analyst describes how autism
affects our community’s children and adults
Chris George is a licensed behavior analyst in Somerset who works with area children and adults having
What is it like living with autistic
spectrum disorders (autism)? Often,
it impacts your communication,
self-regulation, and social skills.
Government research estimates
one in 59 individuals have autism
throughout the nation.
Typically appearing in early child-
hood, autism is a lifelong develop-
28 • I n T ouch with S outhern K entucky
mental disability. Many types exist
with a range of conditions char-
acterized by challenges of social
interaction, verbal and nonverbal
speech, repetitive behaviors, sensi-
tivity to stimuli, along with having
unique perceptions.
“Individuals with autism just com-
municate with others and interpret
their surroundings differently,” says
Chris George. “No two individuals
with autism are the same because it
impacts each one different.”
George is a behavior analyst and
over a 20-year veteran in the mental
and behavioral healthcare industry.
Since 2007, he remains the owner
and executive director of Somer-
set’s Applied Behavioral Advance-
ments (ABA),105 College St.
April is National Autism Aware-
ness Month. It attempts to bring
both awareness and acceptance
of autistic individuals about the
M arch 2020