InTouch with Southern Kentucky April 2020 | Page 26
“If you have Parkinson’s, you can still live a quality life,”
Karen says. “It is not a deadly disease and can be dealt
“We still pretty much keep up our normal life,” she
continues. “We have wonderful family and friends who
are very supportive and willing to lend a hand.”
Karen shares her church family at Oakhill Baptist
Church continues being helpful too since David’s diag-
nosis. Additionally, they find comfort in a Parkinson’s
support group that meets monthly at Lake Cumberland
Regional Hospital (LCRH).
The group is for those having Parkinson’s and their
family members or caregivers. They meet on the third
Friday of each month in the hospital’s basement level at
10 a.m.
“Our support group at the hospital is great,” Karen
says. “You get to hear from people with different levels
of Parkinson’s.”
Typically, there are anywhere from 15- 30 members
in attendance. For more information about the Parkin-
son’s support group, contact Arlene Mofield at (606)
678-3274, or Elaine Keith at (859) 277- 1040.
“If you or someone you know has Parkinson’s
Disease, we invite you to join us each month,”
says LCRH Senior Friends Advisor Arlene Mofield.
“We discuss solutions to living with Parkinson’s,
and teach you how to live a full and active life with
the disease.”
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